This particular Never Not Funny staffer has had a life-long dream of playing the drums. It started in 5th grade band on instrument selection day when I was told I'd have to play the trumpet because all the drum slots were taken-curse my father for a last name toward the end of the alphabet. From that day on, I've wanted to play the drums.
Well, a couple months back, I finally pulled the trigger on this suppressed life-long dream. With Costco's liberal return policy, if it's a dismal failure, I can always return them anyway. Behold the Ludwig LR1125RC Accent Combo kit:
Well, a couple months back, I finally pulled the trigger on this suppressed life-long dream. With Costco's liberal return policy, if it's a dismal failure, I can always return them anyway. Behold the Ludwig LR1125RC Accent Combo kit:

Ah yes, the stuff dreams are made of... So, the boxes arrive a few days later and it's like Christmas morning for me. I carefully open the shipping boxes, unload the multiple boxes contained within them, open the individual boxes and lay the parts out in an organized fashion so as not to misplace anything. Wow, look at all this stuff!
It's about this time when my 8-year-old daughter enters the room to "help" me assemble the drum set and the following exchange takes place:
It's about this time when my 8-year-old daughter enters the room to "help" me assemble the drum set and the following exchange takes place:
"Dad, can you play the drums?"
"Not yet," I reply.
"So, what are you gonna do with all this stuff?"
"Well, I'm going to put it together and teach myself how to play," I say.
Her thirst for knowledge temporarily quenched, we continue assembly of the drum set, which included a visit to the Internet to find instructions, by the way. As the drum heads go on and stands are erected (tee-hee, he said "erect"), a second inquisition begins:
"So, Dad, when you learn how to play the drums, you'll be famous."
"Well, I don't know about all that - probably not," I chuckle aloud.
And then, after some apparent deep thought, she says:
"Well, if you're gonna learn how to play the drums, you might as well be famous."
An excellent point - if only it were that easy.
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