Friday, August 29, 2008

More bathroom etiquette: The Courtesy Peek

Two Never Not Funny staffers just returned from the bathroom (they departed from the bathroom separately - we're not girls! Although, we're not above going together, either.) red-faced and giggling to themselves.

Staffer one says, "you really gotta learn how to lock the stall door."

Staffer two says, "I did! And, what about the courtesy peek?!"

So, with at least two other staffers now pulled into the fray by the (now) out-loud laughing, we come to find out that there is opening the stall-door etiquette, too. Even if you believe the stall to be empty, you still open the door just a crack to verify said stall is indeed empty. That as opposed to pulling the door wide-open and finishing a conversation with an uninvolved third party while the guy on the throne is left in shock and awe to search for the appropriate words to express, "Umm, I'm in here with my pants around my ankles - how about a little help here?"

You also have to wonder... who's more embarrassed in that situation? The guy with his pants around his ankles certainly has lost some pride. I don't care how studly you are, when you caught sitting on the throne with you pants around your ankles, you are not looking good. But, the often overlooked unintentional "peeker" is also in a bit of an awkward situation. If nothing else, he's thinking, "Yeah, I didn't need to see that."

Always good times around the Never Not Funny offices...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Crazy Ivan

A NNF staffer recently conveyed a story about a momentary loss of control while performing an otherwise uneventful urinary trip to the bathroom. Other staffers were quick to agree - sometimes, things just aren't expressed in the direction the "cannon" is pointed.

It seems males, for whatever reason, are prone to this irrational and unpredictable situation at any time, day or night, but staffers agree the first urinary expression of the day has the highest risk. Thankfully, that potentially embarrassing situation of misguided expression tends to occur at home. For it is in public places, with urinals lined up next to one another that the "Crazy Ivan" can have potentially disastrous consequences - how does one apologize for accidentally peeing on somebody else's foot? Especially when that poor individually is perpendicular to the "cannon?"

So guys, watch your backs, I mean sides, in the public bathrooms - you never know when a Crazy Ivan might come your way!

Friday, August 1, 2008

A man, an airplane, and six kids

A man boarded a plane with 6 kids. After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle leaned over and asked, "Are all those kids yours?"

The man replied, "No. I work for a condom company. These are customer complaints."

Great power, great responsibility... yeah, yeah, yeah...

Well, it appears the damage we did to Bennigan's went deeper than we originally thought. Early this week, the company filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and appears to be done for good.

Long live the Cash Crunch Lunch!